My pal Mario and I had a rather unusual caricature battle where the assailant, instead of humiliating the victim with caricatures, plagued them with self-caricatures pasted over the victim's desk area... good job if you were able to make sense of that, where the logic in that resides, I don't know. Anyway, the point is, here's a self-caricature of yours truly, enjoy!
LOL, that is so you!
The expression is really there…very well done.
did you use charcoal to draw this?
Oh bruddah!
That's amazing!!! IT looks soooo much like you!!!
Beautiful danceer. Cant wait to see it finished.
haha that's awesome G-man. You're scary.
hey, how's the frenchness going? working out for ya?
Haha, this is great man. Really well done. Couldn't mistake it for anybody else.
Terrific self caricature! Very flattering. You nail the award winning smile and it's you. ha ha
Thanks for the comments everybody! :D
Amir: Yeah I used conte, it works pretty well I think.
Sarah: The frenchness is indeed going well, thank you very much. Admit it, you=jealous!
Nick: I don't know about the "flattering" part there, does that mean I look even worse in real life? Heheh, either way, thanks!
pretty cool!
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