Thursday, March 06, 2008

Film poster!

I didn't want to divulge too much about my film's plot on my blog too soon, but I guess we're close enough to the end of the semester to allow for some leakage. Probably most people who view this blog know what my film's about anyways, for the others, you'll have to wonder!


Cookedart said...

Hahaha, pretty fantastic.

What does the japanese say?

Garrett Hanna said...

I have heard man good things about your leicha. I'll be sure to see it at the screening!

Mitchel Kennedy said...

Awesome!!!!! I can't wait to see this thing!

I wish I could have seen the animatic... and... worked on your film! haha


Kristin said...

wow haha i love it! too funny i can't wait to see the film!!!

Agnes Salek said...

I am working on this movie. I AM WORKING ON THIS MOVIE xD *uberexcitement*

Anonymous said...

hey man! how you been? the poster looks great... are you gonna send me a link to see the video when its done?

i remember you telling me about this story back in 2nd year... glad i'm gonna get to see it all fleshed out!


Andre Barnwell said...

really really excited to see this.LOL.your animatic had me dieing with laughter.

Chris Darnbrough said...

Looks sweet man, can't wait to see it

Lettie Lo said...

ur film was one of my favorite!!! good job on getting it done!!

Juan de Santiago said...

Is he saying....BOLOGNA TIME!!!!!??

Damian said...

Totally caught off guard by your film man. Awesome work!

Guillaume said...

Haha, thanks everyone! :D

Juan: That sounds like a great idea. Either that or "LA HORA DE LA BOLOGNA!!!!"

Christina Dee said...

said it before and I'll say it again..awesome, awesome, AWESOME! I hope to see it again sometime.

Anonymous said...

Saw your film at today's industry screening. It was hilarious! Awesome work man! You'll be going far!

Ron said...

Fabulous film! You must post it for all to see!!

Eric "Spillz" Angelillo said...

Dude, tout le monde a capoter sur ton film au screening des etudiants. Tk, felicitations, cetait pas mal bon! Jaime bien que malgré l'hommage anime et tout, sa restait quand même terre à terre, genre gars pis sa blonde, haha.

jmen vais en 3e annee, au cas ou tu te demandais.