Well, here it is, the first scene of my film... completed!... for now, at least. All my layouts are done, the color keys are done, so now I'm just painting away and trying to make those BGs look pretty, while being well suited to showcase the animation. This scene has no animation though, so it just has to look nice and set the mood, hopefully. I still have about 22 of these to go, hopefully I can get them done this week and then I'll have all of next semester to concentrate on animation only, yipee!!! :D
Is the lineart for your backgrounds done on photoshop or did you do it the traditional way?
It's a nice feeling to enter the new year with something important accomplished, isn't it? :D
Hey Agnes, the lineart was done on paper with pencil, the good ol' way! It does feel good to go into the year with this done, but heck, there's still sooooo much to do! By the by, I'll most likely need assistants later on this semester for scanning/coloring/etc, so if you're interested let me know! :D
Hey i'd love to help out! I found your idea hilarious, and i would love to work on the movie so if there's anything i can help with, send me an email or we can discuss it while at school or so :D
email: atazure@gmail.com
Weee! I'm now one step closer to seeing your film, YAY!
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